Pick your AI assistant


Keep the human in the loop. 

Following our introduction to Deepdesk Assistants, let's take a closer look at this exciting development in AI capabilities and its potential to transform customer support.

The concept of Assistants represents more than just an improvement in chatbot accuracy; it signals a significant shift in how AI can enhance and redefine critical support tasks.

Expanding the Scope of AI Applications

AI Assistants further enhance the execution of complex tasks. Unlike traditional models that required extensive labeled data and a lengthy training process, Assistants can now be instructed using natural language and largely train themselves. This means that tasks like extracting information from messages, determining conversation sentiment, and making API calls can be accomplished with minimal setup.

Historically, the creation of AI models was often hindered by the need for large datasets and the high costs associated with training and maintaining these models. However, with AI Assistants, businesses can now automate a wide range of smaller tasks that, while not occurring millions of times a day, still offer significant efficiency improvements.

These tasks, previously deemed too costly to automate, are now feasible and open up new opportunities for businesses to optimize their operations.

Broadening Use Cases

The applications of AI Assistants are vast and varied. For instance, in customer service, AI can automate the process of summarizing previous interactions, detecting recurring issues, and generating responses. This not only speeds up response times but also ensures consistency and accuracy. This further enhances Deepdesk’s Summary features by taking chat summaries and plugging them into agent workflows at critical moments in a support interaction.

Beyond customer service, industries like banking, insurance, e-tail etc. can benefit immensely. Tasks such as onboarding new customers, processing credit card applications, and conducting security and fraud analyses can be streamlined using AI. By feeding interactions data into a large language model with specific instructions, AI can quickly identify irregularities, ensuring robust security measures.

Enhancing Human Capabilities

Let’s get to the bottom of this. Most importantly, AI Assistants are designed to complement and enhance human capabilities.

Assistants can support human agents by handling lightweight tasks, allowing agents to focus on more complex issues. Over time, these Assistants can take on more responsibilities, eventually functioning as autonomous agents capable of managing entire customer interactions where needed.

However, if we reach this level of AI autonomy, the purpose of AI agents will not be to replace human agents. Even in the most advanced outcome, where AI agents operate independently, this technology will still be working to enable and enhance the work of human agents. It will do this by multiplying the volume and efficiency any one agent is capable of. Wherever gaps in the AI’s capability to replicate human work remain, agents will be able to dedicate all their focus to making those vital connections thanks to time-savings from AI.

Who’s Assisting Whom?

As AI begins to take on more critical tasks, it not only supports agents but also becomes the primary point of contact for customers. This shift could see agents guiding AI, providing feedback, and ensuring quality control, ultimately creating a seamless blend of human and artificial intelligence. At which point, you might ask yourself: who’s assisting whom?

Rapid Growth, Adopted Gradually…

A gradual approach to adoption, starting with assisting human agents and progressively taking on more complex tasks, allows businesses to build trust and confidence in AI capabilities and focus on doing more of what works.

The potential for AI to handle both digital and voice interactions opens up even more possibilities as businesses mature in their adoption of these tools.

For instance, AI could manage routine voice interactions, freeing up agents to handle more nuanced and sensitive conversations. This hybrid approach ensures that customers receive efficient and personalized service, regardless of the interaction medium.

As always, it’s best to keep a human in the loop.

Keep it Simple. Keep it Human…

By simplifying complex tasks and enhancing human capabilities, AI Assistants have the potential to revolutionize the way businesses interact with their customers.

Happy agents, better conversations

Increase NPS, without the cost: Deepdesk's AI technology helps customer support agents to have more fulfilling customer conversations.